Thursday, October 24, 2019
Reading and Writing Strategies Essay
|Strategy |Activity |Assessment | |Prior Knowledge: To make connection to what one already |Make a word web of information that has |Create a concept map showing key ideas. | |know. Lay a foundation which new facts, ideas and |been discussed. | | |concepts can be develop. | |Assess prior knowledge by asking | | |Share information. |questions. | | |Create a T-Chart with what students would | | | |like to know about the subject and what I | | | |now know. | | |Prediction: Predicting involves thinking ahead and |Ask question about each picture to elicit |Write prediction in reading logs. | |anticipating information and event that take place. |response that require them to make | | | |inferences. |Students complete a prediction sheet as a| | | |formative assessment. Students share what| | | |they learned. | |Summarizing: Process of identifying and writing the main |Writing in journal as to how they think |Write a short summary of the material. | |ideas that unite ideas into a coherent whole. |the story will end or what will take place| | | |at a certain point in the material. |Read a passage from the material and | | | |write a summary. | | |Give an oral summary of their version of | | | |what take place. | | | | | | |Generate Question: The practice of asking what, when, |Students look at the title and write |Create a short answer for discussion | |where, why, what will happen, how and who question. |question as to what, when and where. |question. | | | | | | |Ask question before reading, during |Asks questions that would likely | | |reading and after reading. |encourage a response that is focused, | | |â€Å"Engage class in pre discussion Students |detailed and interesting. | | |will make predictions about the text by | | | |asking effective before reading questions |Rubric can be used to evaluate the | | |to improve reading comprehension†|quality of the questions created by the | | |((Teacher vision, n. d). |student. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Fluency: The ability to read text smoothly, accurately |Readers’ Theater |Running Records | |and with expression. |Students read |Retelling the main idea and supporting | | |aloud from a script |details, the sequence of events, | | |and bring the |characters, setting and plot. | | |characters and | | | |action to life. | | | | | | | |Tape assisted | | | |reading | | | |The students listen | | | |to a recording of a | | | |story or text and | | | |reads along. | | | | | | | |Partner Reading | | | |Read aloud with a | | | |partner and partner | | | |give feedback. | | |Word-Attack Strategies: Help students to decode, | |Read list of sight words and check for | |pronounce and understands unfamiliar words. |Sound Out the Word |pronunciation and decoding. Give students| | |Start with the first letter, |one minute to read list of words. | | |and say each letter- | | | |Sound out loud. | | | | | | | |Blend the sounds | | | |together and try to say |Look for base words and blend the | | |The word. |beginning or ending sounds to sound out | | | |words. | | |Look for Chunks in the Word | | | | | | | |Look for familiar letter chunks. They may | | | |be sound/symbols, prefixes, suffixes, | | | |endings, whole words, or base words. | | | | | | | |Read each chunk by | | | |Itself. Then blend the chunks together and| | | | | | | |Sound out the word. | | |Visualize: Students will learn to visualize the details|Analyze what they read. |Select a picture and relate the details | |of a text. They will use other sensory images like | |of the picture. | |dramatizing and drawing to help them better understand |Drawing during reading. | | |what they are reading. | | | | | | | Writing Strategies |Strategy |Activity |Assessment | |Prewriting: The stage where students begin the |Brainstorm ideas |Use a graphic organizer to plan writing. | |writing process by creating ideas for |Choose a topic | | |writing. |Plan and organize information | | | |Create an outline | | |Drafting: The stage where students put their |Write a draft |Put their ideas on paper | |ideas in writing. |Students put their ideas in writing and correct| | | |later. | | |Revising: Draft is reread and improvements are |Add information when needed |The teacher provides feedback according to the | |made. |Delete unnecessary information |rubric. | | |Organize paragraphs | | |Proofreading: Students read and make |Students reread their papers for errors. |The teacher provides feedback according to the | |corrections. | |rubric. | | |Partner up with another student and proofread | | | |each other paper using a red pen and circle | | | |errors. | | | | | | |Final Draft: Student final paper before |. |Consult teacher for feedback. | |publishing. Consult teacher for feedback. |Have another student read and one listen for | | | |main idea and supporting details. |Compare writing against writing rubric. | |Sequence: The order in which events happen. |Rewrite an event how they happen. | | |Writers help their reader understand what | |Students relate three things that happen at | |happens in story. | |school. List the events out of order. Have | | | |students write the events in order using first,| | | |next and last. | | | | | | | |Student writes a paragraph explaining their | | | |morning routines by using time-order words. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Publishing: Students share their writing with |Students design a book cover and create their |Make a final coy using best handwriting. | |others or the class. |own original book. Use text and pictures to | | | |establish their ideas. |Publish student’s paper by display it outside | | | |of the classroom for others to read. | Reference TeacherVision: http://www. teachervision. fen. com/lesson-plan/reading- comprehension/48697. html#ixzz1mGdBZfRx Tompkins, G. E. (2010). Literacy for the 21st Century: A Balance Approach. Fifth ed. Allyn & Bacon.
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